May 16, 2024
Company-level updates required by Primary Contacts
Quick steps to designate your company’s mandatory Tier 1 contacts
We’ve made some changes to user profiles for members of the Adobe Solution Partner or Adobe Technology Partner program that requires members to update their profile. We’ve published an article that explains the updates that a new versus existing member needs to make. However, if you are a Primary Contact for your organization, this change requires you to make a few additional company-level updates.
What is a Primary Contact?
You are a Primary Contact if you are the person who initially registered your partner company with the Adobe Solution Partner or Technology Partner Program or that person designated you as a Primary Contact. Multiple individuals from a single partner organization can be designated as a Primary Contact.
As a Primary Contact, you have access to all information associated with your organization’s membership. This includes key contacts for important roles like marketing or billing, payment information, partnership tracking, individuals from your organization with a user profile, and much more.
Designating mandatory Tier 1 contacts
We require Primary Contacts to designate individuals in their organization to the four Tier 1 roles:
- Billing. This person will be responsible for ensuring annual membership fees are paid.
- Legal. This person will be responsible for handling legal matters on behalf of your organization.
- Partner Directory. This person will be responsible for creating and updating your partner listing in the Partner Directory on the partner Portal.
- Marketing. This person will be responsible for working with Adobe to coordinate and approve the marketing-related benefits of your organization’s membership.
If the individual you plan to designate to a specific role is not already registered in the system, you can request that they register or create a user profile for them. If you create a profile for the individual, advise them to review and update the details of their profile. Once they’re registered, you can designate them as a Tier 1 contact.
You can assign Tier 1 (and Tier 2) designations in the following ways: assign yourself to a designation, assign the same person to more than one special designation, or assign multiple people to a single designation.
To add or update your company Tier 1 designations as a Solution Partner: :
- Log into the Portal.
- Select Program in the global navigation menu.
- Then, select Manage Profile.
- In the local navigation that appears, select Company info > Designations to open the page with your organization’s Tier 1 contacts, which are mandatory.
- Click the Edit button by each special designation and add the name and email address of the person you are assigning each designation.
- (Optional) Assign individuals to the various Tier 2 roles: Partner Solutions Validation, Sandbox, Specializations, Deal Registrations, Social Media, Customer Deployments, Learning & Development (TIDWIT), and Product Engagement.
- Click Save to your changes.
To add or update your company Tier 1 designations at a Technology Partner:
- Log into the Portal.
- Select Program in the global navigation menu.
- Then, select Account Management.
- In the local navigation that appears, select Company info > Designations to open the page with your organization’s Tier 1 contacts, which are mandatory.
- Click the Edit button by each special designation and add the name and email address of the person you are assigning each designation.
- (Optional) Assign individuals to the various Tier 2 roles: Partner Solutions Validation, Sandbox, Specializations, Deal Registrations, Social Media, Customer Deployments, Learning & Development (TIDWIT), and Product Engagement.
- Click Save to your changes.
We’re here to help
If you are a Solution Partner and have questions about these updates or experience any difficulties updating your profile, communication preferences, or special designations, please reach out to SPPHelp or connect with us through chat on the Portal.
If you are a Technology Partner and have questions or about these updates or experience any difficulties updating your profile, communication preferences, or special designations, please reach out to our Support Team.
We’ve made some changes to user profiles for members of the Adobe Solution Partner or Adobe Technology Partner program that requires members to update their profile. We’ve published an article that explains the updates that a new versus existing member needs to make. However, if you are a Primary Contact for your organization, this change requires you to make a few additional company-level updates.
What is a Primary Contact?
You are a Primary Contact if you are the person who initially registered your partner company with the Adobe Solution Partner or Technology Partner Program or that person designated you as a Primary Contact. Multiple individuals from a single partner organization can be designated as a Primary Contact.
As a Primary Contact, you have access to all information associated with your organization’s membership. This includes key contacts for important roles like marketing or billing, payment information, partnership tracking, individuals from your organization with a user profile, and much more.
Designating mandatory Tier 1 contacts
We require Primary Contacts to designate individuals in their organization to the four Tier 1 roles:
- Billing. This person will be responsible for ensuring annual membership fees are paid.
- Legal. This person will be responsible for handling legal matters on behalf of your organization.
- Partner Directory. This person will be responsible for creating and updating your partner listing in the Partner Directory on the partner Portal.
If the individual you plan to designate to a specific role is not already registered in the system, you can request that they register or create a user profile for them. If you create a profile for the individual, advise them to review and update the details of their profile. Once they’re registered, you can designate them as a Tier 1 contact.
You can assign Tier 1 (and Tier 2) designations in the following ways: assign yourself to a designation, assign the same person to more than one special designation, or assign multiple people to a single designation.
To add or update your company Tier 1 designations:
- Log into the Portal.
- Select Program in the global navigation menu.
- In the local navigation that appears, select Company info > Designations to open the page with your organization’s Tier 1 contacts, which are mandatory.
- Click the Edit button by each special designation and add the name and email address of the person you are assigning each designation.
- (Optional) Assign individuals to the various Tier 2 roles: Partner Solutions Validation, Sandbox, Specializations, Deal Registrations, Social Media, Customer Deployments, Learning & Development (TIDWIT), and Product Engagement.
- Click Save to your changes.
We’re here to help
If you are a Solution Partner and have questions about these updates or experience any difficulties updating your profile, communication preferences, or special designations, please reach out to SPPHelp or connect with us through chat on the Portal.
If you are a Technology Partner and have questions or about these updates or experience any difficulties updating your profile, communication preferences, or special designations, please reach out to our Support Team.