Adobe Analytics: Access Your Sandbox

Last updated: Aug 05, 2024


First step, make sure you have been provisioned for a sandbox by following the instructions in this article

Once you are provisioned you may not be automatically added to all of the product profiles that give you access to each product. If your organization is provisioned for Adobe Analytics and you are unable to access it it’s likely that you need to add yourself (or if you are not an admin, get an admin to add you) to the correct product profile. Product profiles are basically just user groups for specific Experience Cloud products.

Create a new product profile

If you haven’t already, you will first need to create the product profile. Sign into the Experience Cloud admin console.

Go to the Products tab, and find Adobe Analytics:

Click on New Profile:

Name the profile whatever you want and click save.

Click on the product profile you just created and go to the permissions tab:

Most of our partners do not need to restrict any permissions in their sandbox Adobe Analytics tool. To give this product profile unrestricted access to everything, do the following:

Click on Report Suites and turn on auto-include:

Click Save and then do the same with Metrics and Dimensions. In Report Suite Tools and Analytics Tools click “Add All”. This will give the users who belong to this product profile unrestricted access to everything in Adobe Analytics.

If you want to find out how to restrict access to certain features or just want to learn more about user management for Adobe Analytics, go to this link.

Add users

Once you’ve created the new product profile, you’ll need to add yourself and any other users you want to have access to Adobe Analytics to the profile. To create an Admin (who can create new report suites etc.), click on the admins tab and add the user you wish to be the admin. To add new users without admin privileges, click on the Users tab and click Add User:

And that’s it. You should now be able to access Adobe Analytics by going back to and clicking on the three-by-three dots icon in the upper right hand corner and then clicking on Analytics:

On this page
Create a new product profile
Add users
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