Enable a Customer

After validating data transfer to AAM in a test scenario - you are now ready to start sending for real AAM customers. You'll need to take the following steps:

Get the Data Source ID and the Trait IDs

You must obtain the following from the AAM customer. The AAM customer may choose to involve their AAM consultant in this process.

Data Source ID

A Data Source is a container that holds data within the AAM platform. You must ask the AAM customer to create a Data Source within their instance of the AAM UI. They must provide you with the Data Source ID (an integer). Example, 1234567. This Data Source ID will be part of the file name when sending the onboarded data. Creating a Data Source is documented here.

You should direct the AAM customer to do the following when creating this Data Source -

  1. Set ID Type to Cookie (not to worry, non-cookie data can still be transferred)
  2. Under Data Source Settings, check the Inbound box
    1. Select Customer ID for recognizing users; this means the onboarding partner's user ID will be used in the data files

Trait IDs

The AAM customer will need to create Traits within the Data Source container mentioned above. These Traits represent the segments that users will belong to. This is also known as setting up the "taxonomy". The AAM customer and the onboarding partner will need to agree on the IDs used to represent each Trait. These Trait IDs will be used by the AAM customer to set up the Trait Rule -- and by the onboarding partner when creating the data files.

Creating a Trait is documented here.

Start Data File Delivery

Begin delivering files to the S3 bucket that Adobe has provided for you. This is the same bucket you used during the validation step. All files (across all AAM customers) will be delivered to the same bucket. Be sure you include the correct target Data Source ID in the file names.

Optionally, you can ask the AAM customer to set up automatic file processing reports via email. To do this they add your email address at the bottom of the Onboarding Status report.

Validate Trait Populations

You will ask the AAM customer to verify that your data files are being processed within their AAM account. They can use their Onboarding Status report to verify.

You will also want to select a few of the Traits and verify that the populations reported in the AAM UI for those Traits match what is expected. Trait populations can be viewed by the AAM customer in multiple places including the General Reports.

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