Configure your system to receive S2S data transfer

You can receive audience data in real-time and in batches delivered at regular intervals. Batch (file-based or HTTPS) transfers should be used in every instance. You also have the option to add real-time (HTTPS messages) transfers to your integration. 

File Transfers (Batch Only)

Important considerations:

  • Delivery location needs to be an S3 bucket. The data partner must provide and maintain the location.
  • The data transfer process breaks up large batches into multiple, smaller files (1,000 MB chunks before compression). Compression is .gz by default
  • (Optional) Data transfer can include a .info file. This file contains metadata about the batch, such as size and number of files.
  • The User ID type in the file can be identified by the MASTER-DPID value as per below:
    • Google Advertiser ID (GAIDs) - 20914
    • Apple ID for Advertiser (IDFA) - 20915
    • Cookie ID (AAM or Partner) - Partner Vendor ID
  • (Optional) The file name can contain a customer identifier from the partner system if needed. This will be manually put in during each client setup. This will be the PID-ALIAS field in the file name. It can be any alphanumeric identifier.
  • Data for different device types (Web Cookie, iOS, Android) will never be combined in the same file.
  • Segment IDs in the file content can either be AAM segment ID or Partner Segment ID.

Refer the following product documentation for details on:

HTTP Transfers (Batch & Real-time)

Important considerations:

  • Audience Manager uses POST method over HTTPS to transfer JSON messages for Real-time as well as Batch transfers. Both the transfer type have same JSON message format
  • There are no limits in place on the volume or rate of data transfer. Partner must be agile to adopt to high spikes on data transfers, especially with batch transfers
  • Each message contains data for a maximum of 10 users.
  • If needed, a customer identifer from Partner's system can be introduced in each HTTP message. Same concept as in file transfers. This will be identified in Client_ID field in the JSON message
  • The User ID type in a single HTTP POST message (may contain upto 10 users) can be identifed by the User_DPID value as per below:
    • Google Advertiser ID (GAIDs) - 20914
    • Apple ID for Advertiser (IDFA) - 20915
    • Cookie ID (AAM or Partner) - Partner Vendor ID
  • The mobile device ID or the partner Cookie ID will be found in the DataPartner_UUID field

Refer the following product documentation for details on:

Requirements for the partner's ID sync URL

  • Must redirect (302) to the AAM ID sync URL and includes the partner's unique user ID.
  • Must work for both http and https -- the redirect must use the same protocol as it was called with.
  • Must not redirect to any other 3rd parties prior to redirecting to the AAM ID sync URL.

Best Practices

  • Partner must plan to receive data through batch service (HTTP or File) even though the usecase is for Real-time only, for the following reasons:
    • Real-time service does NOT send historical data.
    • Real-time service is a best-effort service. Batch data is a good way to create redundancy
    • Real-time service does NOT support unsegmenting. Meaning, we do not send messages for user disqualification through Real-time service
  • If possible, choose to receive AAM Segment IDs is the data transfer. It is easier for AAM customers to map AAM segment IDs.
  • We expect a response code 200 for every HTTP message received successfully. For any code other than 200, we retry immediately upto 3 times.
  • By default, batch data transfers contain incremental information about audiences -- user qualifications (and disqualifications) since the previous batch delivery. If required, Audience Manager can send a full batch transfer. This includes a complete snapshot of users and their segment memberships.
  • Partner must provide a secure (HTTPS) endpoint. We do not support HTTP transfers.

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